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Monday, December 5, 2011

delayed post in Sep, 2011: Autumn leaving with long tail of love.


a lengthy dream in dawn about manipulation between QRRS authority and me.^first dreamed of the authority of QRRS, my once and long time employer, attempted to shape my way by contacts. then dreamed a staff of the communist youth league of QRRS editing my novel I submitted for a composition competition. then he turned into a girl of my hometown village, trying being friend me. when i woke up, its a warm and bright morning. its monday before National Day of PRC. i gathered my recent records for the publish for promising on horizon in new light. God, now its cloudy in the afternoon, bring my girls my love and promise. bring our warm family sooner!


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

doomed Chinese engineers and IT industry, with their inherited demon.

also hell with PRC. core sin is the fake atheism, socialism imported from old crap of Russia and Germany. sinful engineers nowadays still an ally of communist partisan, all innocent Chinese will laugh with tears on the day the wrecked sunk shabby construction drains the last dirty and dark conglomerates on China mainland, the scarred land since the fall of Ming Dynasty, a treasure of my ancestor in title Zhu.

benzradthe Son, here attest the fate of China as an Empire reset in his title for 1109 years in future.




dreamed of my youngest elder sister.yesterday full of bliss. but darkness in son's mom's heart, esp. her greediness really annoyed me when I in need or financially pinched by short term short of currency these days. long time i made it i will never look back into her life or business, and indeed avoided her dirt and trouble since our divorce. after some reviews, i decided not to encounter her sinister plots. this morning God woke me up earlier, shoot a photo of the early full moon through my window in dawn light. then napped again. dreamed in my kid elder sister's house. i love her very much and she did so back. when i busy with preparing my son something, she was electrically shocked by wrecked socket on wall. Its a touchingly milk washing shiny Autumn morning, thx God.


dreamed of being sieged by mob&cheating government.^ last night restless on bed. in the dawn dreamed in campus mistakenly ate a street vendor's food and hijacked into government agent for judge. a man and a woman dubiously trying to settle our conflict, but just cheating and profiting for the troubled water. after the vendors, in first look a couple but according the agency's message the man is a hooligan member charging to rent their protection, left me, and the agent attempted to make deal with me, i was sieged by mop of Chinese on way escaping. its a pale morning now. God, u see all the sins around me, the Son and his Royal of China. God, killing likely brewing but intact is the heart of loving. God, let's do it, for changes in new years and grace in new lives.


sunny mid-Autumn holiday.^these days engaged myself with full load of d/l of games, and most of moments with baby son full of joy of playing these beautiful softwares and visions it carries. this morning baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, buzzed in when i still lately napping, urged me visit him sooner to join pc games. its a extraordinary warm Autumn day, also lunar Mid-Autumn holiday, so i can lingered with son most of the holiday which exactly means gathering for traditional Chinese. the grandma prepared lunch. son ate more than usual, after we broke gameplay for the dinner. his mom still busy with her pupils, while we made progress in pc game "garteling gears", a favorite for armored robotic combat fans like us, after many sweating failures. when his mom urged my leaving for they are going shopping outside, son refused my kissing his cheek but obviously relaxed by those games we played together all the morning. on bus and in QRRS dorm, when i facing my computer alone, sorrow debt to my girls haunting me again. i know my girls' willing my messages and our promised family. so i blogged again here after so much contented weeks and nights by my son's companion&visit, including those beautiful pc games. God, u know how i expect change in my life prepared for my girls, for my Royal of China as an Empire reset for 1109 years ahead, under glorious family name Zhu's, a resume to brilliant history since Ming Dynasty, built from scratch by Zhu Yuanzhang, my legendary ancestor. God, u know how my heart weighted by missing and soaring thirsts for my girls in praying our union in our promised lavish wedding ceremony. God, u know all these is the fate of one Chinese of one China under ur shine, never seen grace and glory.

so here again, wind of cool and clear and blessing, brings my girls my word, my heart never close for their perfume, their shiny descending, my way to the throng never evades my girls' companion. my dearest, just let the Mighty angels clear barriers and pave the carpet for greater grace in our coming lives. i missing u and forging ever stronger linkage among us every moments in my suffering here as God trains. brave heart save u, my dearest!


dreamed of my grand dad who is serious in dawn.^dreamed I lingered in a poor countryside latrine pit when I napped while downloading in this shinny morning. my kid brother was brought by our dad, who is serious, from his recent diarrhea and still let him half bent his waist when walking, with his baggage on back, to sent him away to fetch his national college entrance exam score from his school. my brother told me he will bring my teenage friend to accompany me, but I didn't respond but just wondering my lost item in the shits pool. dad shown his loving me in dream.


Pray for ever-green energy among the Holy.^ warm sunny afternoon. God, bring me fresh monuments in our gatherings among son, warrenzh's budding life. free me off trifle and meaningless rush against orthodox smothering in PRC's mainstream now. God, see ur untouchable glory in our eyes. son, warrenzh, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, now in his mom's hometown journey, blesses him fortune of lightning heart and deep insight.

benzrad conversation in cyberspace on the day.

in north, esp northeastern China, dogs rampant. they r the main source of mafia and dog system in nowadays PRC government.: RT: 同样是沿海城市,面对PX时大连和厦门的表现截然不同。

Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle much divine energy to you in china!   8:11 AM (edited)

benzrad zhu's profile photobenzrad zhu thx, surely my happiest moment is in one with the Holy.   10:21 AM

Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle :)))))   3:43 PM

Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle could you explain dog system? thank you :) hope you have a lovely day....4:15 PM (edited)

benzrad zhu's profile photobenzrad zhu cops and bureaucracy, and undermined fake representations in governing or constitution bought from Red Revolution near a century ago, both prey common civilian in totalitarian nations, by monopolizing their gangsters (as an obvious characteristic of dog, on the contrary Christian prefers solitary redemption from God.), separating&dissolving normal social bandage into docile individuals, for the sake of their massive abuse of sole state power.   4:35 PM


a dream in dawn in which my dad, now in Heaven, stayed with me longest.^Yesterday I tried to unlocked my 163 and qq blog blocked under censorship by China surveillance. in the process I asked one of my qq online contacts to help me verify my mending at same time. the bitchy site owner also in my family name Zhu, irritated me with his narrow acid spying mind, so we exchanged some stingy words. the sky darkened since them. after dinner I risked raining to jog out routinely. when I passed my ditched office, it turned sunny again. so I dropped in the office and found the employer dispatching a suite for its staff and I was not evaded. brought the gift I packed to visit my son, just after our Tuesdays' visit when son called me to rid him of the sinful grandma's custody while his mom occupied by her school duty. this dawn dreamed I competed soccer with QRRS pals team, with my family. then my passed dad, God in Heaven now, serving me for most time when I enjoyed delicacy while sat atop a cliff waiting for my son's visit. my dad contented&smiled with full hearts' joys all time. its now a sunny morning and I know God's promising. God, bring my girls sooner into our new marriages. let son sooner enjoy his new dell game desktop. let me treat son with his pals with buffet in new holiday ahead. God, dad, I love u. this my gratefulness in witness of Asoh Yukiko, my Queens of Royal China from Japan.

From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From homeovie2RoyalChina
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories

Thursday, October 27, 2011

bell rings for new family ahead in late Autumn sunray.


God breaks me and slow my rhythm for full joy of life.^now is pale morning with frost in air. last night I planned to overnight download a pc game but near 9pm the lan in QRRS Dorms suddenly halted down. for I concentrated in pc gaming, and I also don't have much pals in the dorm to inquiry the cause, so I let it to resume automatically. but it didn't. I woke up near 4am and yet failed to fix it, likely the Internet access rule on the router changed. then I tried to sort recent photos, esp some of warrenzh 朱楚甲's works in last weekends in nearby park of his mom's house. God, u see how I enjoy the downstream from world of democratic, how the rotting PRC killing itself in incompatible and incompetent among new world's unleashed fresh era of collision and rebuild, inc riots in Libya or Chinese western neighbors, years of liberation theology re-track. God, allow my girls see clearer my joys in them, in every moment if our live together. rip them doubts and closer our backyard retreat in time. God, what I promised my girls u granted never changes. Royal of China in 1109 years in future arise dauntless brilliance. God, forever guide my life and faith!


my sweet, a tall girl, first time appears in my dream lives me together.^last night peeking eyes pierced the relation between my son and me, the trinity, for quite some time. I had to buzz son second time to talk himself while first call received by his mom and rebuffed by son upon my message of the new half full moon first time in sky since the month. we enjoyed the direct conversation in air. in dawn I dreamed living with my sweet, a tall girl I can't point out either my girl Zhou or my Taiwan girl or my other beloved praying for me, we make a living by collecting rubbish, among some other pals in the same business on a huge wasteland. when we return to market or our habitation, a student sought through our collection and bought one old book. peace in my mind when I live with my tall girl, who first time appears in my living life, in the dream when dealing routine life. then dreamed of baby son, warrenzh, God of Universe, Hope of China, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, again full of affirmatives. that reminds me an old game we recently reviewed, "Wall-E", which depicted current human habitation will turn into desert and dump. I got up a bit later, trying to describe the holy message and blog it while the sunshine outside turning warmer and brighter. God, my heart for my girls, with whom we unite in one, never open. pl grant our new family, Royal China, sooner during our prime light. God, even my salary improved to ¥2300 two months ago, with which I quite felt satisfying, still I pray u grant my son, warrenzh, a new dell game desktop in this year end by bonus! God, let down the insane spying around the holy family, and glory forever to U!


dreamed visiting my parents' tombs in my hometown.^yesterday full of bliss. Holy message let me review sinister plot by son, warrenzh's mother's family in her kid sister's wedding ceremony. I felt trembling in angry. after a full load of work online&offline, I visited son after withdrew some of my new salary, which, thx God, increased to near ¥2400/month. I bought son some KFC he likes. I had to buzz his mom&waited some time for they just haunting outside. the woman again shown greediness and evil attempts to infringe my financial independence. she event threatened depriving my privilege to visit my son. this dawn I dreamed visiting my hometown, Zhudajiu, central China. 2 village folks, 朱洪全 and 朱中旺, accompanied me and introduced changes in the village. when I saw my parents' tombs, I felt pains in mourning, esp for my mother who informed her elapsing days before her end of life. my grandpa's tomb close to that of my dad, God in Heaven now. in the magic retrospect/glimpse, I know I am among my siblings the best heir that inherit my dad's merits and mindset, also well as his mission&vision on the earth. Its a brilliant sunny morning now. God, u save.


dreamed of the Son and righteous of God.^dreamed of the most traditional business of Chinese society, bodyguard. in the beginning, I worked for a Chinese martial coaching club and witness it wax and wade. then dreamed Portuguese took over the business. the boss is mighty and stern, in the end of its doom day, his staff, mostly Chinese, betrayed him and even trying profaning his most beloved kid girl. I saw God's message and demonstration so clear that I felt saved after woke up.

From Autumn 2011&late summer memories
From Autumn 2011&late summer memories
From Autumn 2011&late summer memories
From faezrland天下主家@panoramio

Sunday, September 18, 2011

harvest season sends son, warrenzh, into his first school term.


a lengthy dream in dawn about manipulation between QRRS authority and me.^first dreamed of the authority of QRRS, my once and long time employer, attempted to shape my way by contacts. then dreamed a staff of the communist youth league of QRRS editing my novel I submitted for a composition competition. then he turned into a girl of my hometown village, trying being friend me. when i woke up, its a warm and bright morning. its monday before National Day of PRC. i gathered my recent records for the publish for promising on horizon in new light. God, now its cloudy in the afternoon, bring my girls my love and promise. bring our warm family sooner!


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

doomed Chinese engineers and IT industry, with their inherited demon.

also hell with PRC. core sin is the fake atheism, socialism imported from old crap of Russia and Germany. sinful engineers nowadays still an ally of communist partisan, all innocent Chinese will laugh with tears on the day the wrecked sunk shabby construction drains the last dirty and dark conglomerates on China mainland, the scarred land since the fall of Ming Dynasty, a treasure of my ancestor in title Zhu.
benzradthe Son, here attest the fate of China as an Empire reset in his title for 1109 years in future.

为什么中国的程序员技术偏低 - cnBeta.COM



dreamed of my youngest elder sister.yesterday full of bliss. but darkness in son's mom's heart, esp. her greediness really annoyed me when I in need or financially pinched by short term short of currency these days. long time i made it i will never look back into her life or business, and indeed avoided her dirt and trouble since our divorce. after some reviews, i decided not to encounter her sinister plots. this morning God woke me up earlier, shoot a photo of the early full moon through my window in dawn light. then napped again. dreamed in my kid elder sister's house. i love her very much and she did so back. when i busy with preparing my son something, she was electrically shocked by wrecked socket on wall. Its a touchingly milk washing shiny Autumn morning, thx God.


dreamed of being sieged by mob&cheating government.^ last night restless on bed. in the dawn dreamed in campus mistakenly ate a street vendor's food and hijacked into government agent for judge. a man and a woman dubiously trying to settle our conflict, but just cheating and profiting for the troubled water. after the vendors, in first look a couple but according the agency's message the man is a hooligan member charging to rent their protection, left me, and the agent attempted to make deal with me, i was sieged by mop of Chinese on way escaping. its a pale morning now. God, u see all the sins around me, the Son and his Royal of China. God, killing likely brewing but intact is the heart of loving. God, let's do it, for changes in new years and grace in new lives.


sunny mid-Autumn holiday.^these days engaged myself with full load of d/l of games, and most of moments with baby son full of joy of playing these beautiful softwares and visions it carries. this morning baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, buzzed in when i still lately napping, urged me visit him sooner to join pc games. its a extraordinary warm Autumn day, also lunar Mid-Autumn holiday, so i can lingered with son most of the holiday which exactly means gathering for traditional Chinese. the grandma prepared lunch. son ate more than usual, after we broke gameplay for the dinner. his mom still busy with her pupils, while we made progress in pc game "garteling gears", a favorite for armored robotic combat fans like us, after many sweating failures. when his mom urged my leaving for they are going shopping outside, son refused my kissing his cheek but obviously relaxed by those games we played together all the morning. on bus and in QRRS dorm, when i facing my computer alone, sorrow debt to my girls haunting me again. i know my girls' willing my messages and our promised family. so i blogged again here after so much contented weeks and nights by my son's companion&visit, including those beautiful pc games. God, u know how i expect change in my life prepared for my girls, for my Royal of China as an Empire reset for 1109 years ahead, under glorious family name Zhu's, a resume to brilliant history since Ming Dynasty, built from scratch by Zhu Yuanzhang, my legendary ancestor. God, u know how my heart weighted by missing and soaring thirsts for my girls in praying our union in our promised lavish wedding ceremony. God, u know all these is the fate of one Chinese of one China under ur shine, never seen grace and glory.
so here again, wind of cool and clear and blessing, brings my girls my word, my heart never close for their perfume, their shiny descending, my way to the throng never evades my girls' companion. my dearest, just let the Mighty angels clear barriers and pave the carpet for greater grace in our coming lives. i missing u and forging ever stronger linkage among us every moments in my suffering here as God trains. brave heart save u, my dearest!


dreamed of my grand dad who is serious in dawn.^dreamed I lingered in a poor countryside latrine pit when I napped while downloading in this shinny morning. my kid brother was brought by our dad, who is serious, from his recent diarrhea and still let him half bent his waist when walking, with his baggage on back, to sent him away to fetch his national college entrance exam score from his school. my brother told me he will bring my teenage friend to accompany me, but I didn't respond but just wondering my lost item in the shits pool. dad shown his loving me in dream.


Pray for ever-green energy among the Holy.^ warm sunny afternoon. God, bring me fresh monuments in our gatherings among son, warrenzh's budding life. free me off trifle and meaningless rush against orthodox smothering in PRC's mainstream now. God, see ur untouchable glory in our eyes. son, warrenzh, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, now in his mom's hometown journey, blesses him fortune of lightning heart and deep insight.

benzrad conversation in cyberspace on the day.

in north, esp northeastern China, dogs rampant. they r the main source of mafia and dog system in nowadays PRC government.: RT: 同样是沿海城市,面对PX时大连和厦门的表现截然不同。
Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle much divine energy to you in china!   8:11 AM (edited)
benzrad zhu's profile photobenzrad zhu thx, surely my happiest moment is in one with the Holy.   10:21 AM
Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle :)))))   3:43 PM
Kaurana Nathalie Merle's profile photoKaurana Nathalie Merle could you explain dog system? thank you :) hope you have a lovely day....4:15 PM (edited)
benzrad zhu's profile photobenzrad zhu  cops and bureaucracy, and undermined fake representations in governing or constitution bought from Red Revolution near a century ago, both prey common civilian in totalitarian nations, by monopolizing their gangsters (as an obvious characteristic of dog, on the contrary Christian prefers solitary redemption from God.), separating&dissolving normal social bandage into docile individuals, for the sake of their massive abuse of sole state power.   4:35 PM


a dream in dawn in which my dad, now in Heaven, stayed with me longest.^Yesterday I tried to unlocked my 163 and qq blog blocked under censorship by China surveillance. in the process I asked one of my qq online contacts to help me verify my mending at same time. the bitchy site owner also in my family name Zhu, irritated me with his narrow acid spying mind, so we exchanged some stingy words. the sky darkened since them. after dinner I risked raining to jog out routinely. when I passed my ditched office, it turned sunny again. so I dropped in the office and found the employer dispatching a suite for its staff and I was not evaded. brought the gift I packed to visit my son, just after our Tuesdays' visit when son called me to rid him of the sinful grandma's custody while his mom occupied by her school duty. this dawn dreamed I competed soccer with QRRS pals team, with my family. then my passed dad, God in Heaven now, serving me for most time when I enjoyed delicacy while sat atop a cliff waiting for my son's visit. my dad contented&smiled with full hearts' joys all time. its now a sunny morning and I know God's promising. God, bring my girls sooner into our new marriages. let son sooner enjoy his new dell game desktop. let me treat son with his pals with buffet in new holiday ahead. God, dad, I love u. this my gratefulness in witness of Asoh Yukiko, my Queens of Royal China from Japan.

From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories
From homeovie2RoyalChina
From Autumn 2011 & late summer memories

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

summer 2011's farewell in dusk drizzle. stronger will to reunite with my girls.


dreamed battled with a witch all the dawn, after a drizzled dusk.^dreamed hunted by a woman mage. I tried to hit the raged woman with fire ball but frequently unable to detonate it on time. the morning is touchingly bright, after last dusk's drizzle. in last sunset holy message shows me on a bleeding tree that my girls' being one with me, their praying for me, for my presence after gothered and reinforced will power to join me. that's my way to reunite with my best beloved Queens in my Empire reset for 1109 years ahead. the drizzle started after I just settled on a bench in the dorms' garden. the drizzle shallowly baptized me in its prelude, with bliss from my deepest lover, Asoh Yukiko from Japan, the renewing land.


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

dog trail among northern Chinese.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):in north, esp northeastern China, dogs rampant. they r the main source of mafia among current society and dog system in nowadays PRC government, an covert black market trading anything including human lives and all demons and sick appetite. in southern China, people cooperate for common benefits for circumstance. in northern China, scarcity chases beasts on the land constantly barking to protect their individual food chain, or reversely, barking dogs scattered on the highland let anything insufficient upon insatiable storage competition.
北风 (@wenyunchao): RT @poorstone: 同样是沿海城市,面对PX时大连和厦门的表现截然不同。原文


dreamed of closely watched G.Bush.^dreamed in dawn living closely with G.Bush, the former American President and father of another American President. he just published his autobiography and trying finding new way to enjoy life. his wife Babara, even stronger in mind now, grows vegetable and sold to me. I told her I needn't a full bunch of scallion, but she actively persuaded more sales to me in her house when I visiting. they demonstrates the loyalty merits of American people.


dreamed of movie.^visit baby son in dusk yesterday. prepared him new games on his legacy desktop. when I arrived, his mom likely intimately contacting son, for they both felt interrupted by my visit. returned to QRRS dorm, after busy with sorting my os, possible sins in baby's mom's education over baby son let me awake quite some time. this dawn dreamed of watching a movie including 2 female actors, Miriam Yeung 杨千烨,舒琪 and a man I closely watching. superficially its a movie of love, but in fact, its about fake love, be exactly, about gay, lesbian. I saw the genic glory God puts in man, while the merit of female in supportive, hospitality. I also see the inherited subtle difference and different achievements among Hongkong, Taiwan, and mainland of China.
yesterday It mainly bright. but when I left baby's mom house near 8pm, it drizzled. now Its a promising sunny morning. God, bring me my new family with my girls that praying for our living together. bring my son a dell game desktop u promised.

benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

famine in Africa needs world more helping hands.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):apple and Jobs doomed to fall, sink in no name in quite short timespan. its just too evil and dirty in mind control in the shits heap.
月光博客互联网:同样是销售游戏,任天堂的Wii的销售策略就远不如苹果iOS,Wii不在中国发行,没有中文界面,也没有一款简体中文游戏,正版游戏价格超高,光盘发行,而苹果iOS有中国商店,有中文休闲游戏,网络发行,平均价格才1美元,还有很多免费游戏。这也注定是苹果而不是任天堂会在中国游戏界成功。 原文


a drizzling afternoon.^baby son spent a night with pc games in my QRRS dorm. breakfast in KFC on way. returning to his mom's house. lots of bliss in air in the Saturday, when it soothed our longings with clouds and drizzles. work load just completed, so fine!


dreamed of my passed dad, God in Heaven.^in the dream I first tried to negotiate to buy failing and losing state-owned property, then join a celebrating dancing team and passing my hometown village, Zhudajiu, where my beaming dad just discussing important issues with his patriots, other villagers. he glad to see me growing in social relation. he is so vivid in the dream, that I had to blog the dream after got up. I also find sexuality in the dancing girl, likely of minor tribe Mongolian, ahead me.


dreamed of baby son, and my passed dad's enemies in his hometown.^yesterday another thunderstorm brought lots of rainfall in the sultry summer, just among my busy progress to update my google sites to incorporate recent changes of my profile online. its just too auspicious a day with Asoh Yukiko, as well as my Royal China. in this dawn dreamed of dad's hometown with my best beloved baby son. I arranged him to exercise some sports game, in disadvantage of my passed dad's sinful challengers, mostly offspring of the dark house owner in front of my dad's old house, a treasure of my old memories, financially got well-being by following my dad's business there. baby son never failed me, with his smartness, his diligence. I clearly see the bliss and promising. Its a bright morning now.


dreamed of losing sight.^last night its started to rain hard when I settled on bed. in dawn dreamed of suffering eyes sight and almost go blind. dreamed watching a movie in open space and sat aside a girl once worked in QRRS as an interpretor. joined canteen in time but 2 cops close sat aside same table to eat breakfast. they arrived later than I, so likely tentatively arranged.


dreamed married my Japanese girl.^last night it rained when I launched to save my be21zh.org offical google profile after reported violating its commmunity name rule. in the dawn dreamed of living in Japan in my girl's house. she has a quite blessing father. we kissing and intimate everywhere, including behind the father-in-law's presence. after some tests by the dad, we married. I felt almost sure the Japanese girl is my Crowned Queen of Royal China, Asoh Yukiko. Its a pale morning, but I know Asoh's touching and tendering love from Heaven.


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

abuse and murdering everyday in current China mainland.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):no redemption can save the lost. except the downturn of PRC with its dictation and fake faith of atheism.
邱毅:大陸前鐵道部長劉志軍因貪腐下台後,溫州動車追撞不僅重創大陸高鐵神話,也使鐵道運輸安全出現警訊。試想事件若發生在時速超過300公里的高鐵,會造成何等傷亡?當年劉志軍好大喜功,想爭世界第一,將 實驗速度 作為 營運速度 的非常規決策,擴張投資熱衷財務槓桿的操作,現在都應該做深切檢討。 原文


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

famine in Africa needs world more helping hands.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):sin, sins, how could save arrives here?
华尔街日报中文网(华尔街日报)新媒体:【图集:索马里大饥荒】- "非洲之角"遭遇大旱,陷入近30年来最严重的饥荒。加上物价不断上涨和战争,大批索马里人流离失所,数万人正面临死亡威胁。图为两岁的索马里难民亚丁 沙拉德(Aden Salaad)坐在澡盆中望着正给他洗澡的母亲。http://163.fm/YRtOEiO 原文


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

a new scandal in PRC's mainstream.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):u shouldn't blame her, for she is a common girl, like any beautiful girls on the street. she should be rewarded for disclose dark curtail from upper clad in sinful PRC and their manipulations. any girls, esp in their seasons, blessed with their dream of a better life on the earth, in the society. the unbearable losing is the broken social logic which allowing buying young and beautiful lives via money and abuse of state power.
宇丹律师(颜宇丹): 7号晚间7点左右,郭美美发表微博称:"突然想睡一觉;突然想死;突然想大喊;突然想离家出走;突然想失忆。"早知今日,何必当初,只能怪自己自做自受吧! 原文

From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From Life's monument in Royal of China
See the full gallery on Posterous

Thursday, July 7, 2011

lunar hottest summer day passed by.


rain rhythm lasted most night.^last night sees the longest and likely thickest raindrops in my 20 years in Qiqihar, northeastern China, from my hometown in Central China, where large rains that can last a month is a common scene. i surfed later than 23:30 with songs and rain rhythm. this dawn i dreamed shopping online. when goods i ordered delivered to me, i felt quite glad. my passed mother query the prices of vary clothes and items in the parcel arrived. even late, i still ate my breakfast, and peered the ground after the rain. Its a cloudy morning, for Asoh Yukiko spares her full time with me from Heaven this moment. 


a fruitful work night in rain rhythm.^today especial auspicious since i gained my google+ from online help within my gbuzz. napped afternoon with colorful dreams after posted on alumni with flavors annoying the orthodox. baby son's bliss via air saves me from all dusts in the dusk. rain accompanying the darkness descended so gloriously. Aosh Yukiko, tonight be with me in dream, in moisture u brought and echoes the rhythm outside. my happier life, surer narrowly ahead.

RT: a Chinese mailing list from a QQ group, a mainstream im tool in PRC. regard it as a folk song ominous.

1 农民:种三亩地每亩纯收入400元的话要从唐朝开始至今才能凑齐(还不能有灾年);
2 工人:每月工资1500元需从鸦片战争上班至今(双休日不能休); 
3 白领:年薪6万,需从1960年上班就拿这么多钱至今不吃不喝(取消法定假日); 
4 抢劫犯:连续作案2500次(必须事主是白领)约30年。 
声明:转发不会送人民币,但如果觉得作为消费者,全中国十三亿储户不公平的,请转发 ,有多少群转发多少群 。
总结(八个大字): 求生不得,求死不能 
多传传,让领导人们看看, 就不信传不到中央胡书记与温总理那里去。有群的都转发 加一句:谁看到谁最少转发一个群,转发2个以上群的,愿他买彩票中500万 。
老百姓在思考,为啥玩不过政府呢? 原因如下: 

BTW, It's a sunny morning after happy and spectacular/speculative night yesterday, when it thunders and flashes while refuted raining. God, wind for changing China is ready, when let it on its way? 


baby baffled by heat since last weekends, now freed from the death of public enemy in PRC.^this week chiefly avoid trifle ambushes enemy of Empire of China beset. baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, succeeded floating over the drain of traps and grills of paid raids mentally and darkly around his mom's house. on Monday and Tuesday, after one or two weeks busy with upgrading our current 3 computers with my imporved salary, lots of evil envies, also includes spiritual wake up i instilled in baby son's heart by conversations, led to baby's frequent heats in nights, i decided to calm down and trust God. I haunted more time in QRRS' Dorms' garden, rest on bench in it, decided my strongest will to reunite with my girls in our new families, including our lavish wedding ceremony. that's gift Father promised my girls, for his best beloved Son, me, benzrad 朱子卓. i started reviewing my new working environment in my dorm freshly, cheering up for years' dream coming true. i felt i need a new start, just like a new game's release today, "a new beginning", its also a day full of rumors of a passing by FIG among dictation China, a long time lame duck. i enjoyed surfing so long, when this moment i looked outside of window, an drizzled anticipated by local weather forecast. the new moon appeared since the night before yesterday. i with full authority to claim, bliss gathering over the Royal of China in my title. God, change to China long time due, now let baptism pouring more smooth&sweet!

benzrad's comment on the day.

distance by the Pacific ocean.

from zhuzz | blogspot
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):only American sustains and enable the hero and the heroic characters John shown, inherent among free souls on the blessed land of great US. that's holy. bureaucracy rampant on Asia produced cowards and barking dogs bounding to a poor bone and self-destruction, or even abnormal and insane. God saving Asia since the fall of Yuan Dynasty and erection of Ming, treasure of Zhu's masterpiece from war's ruin. world western with kind heart will witness the blessing YHWH casting over the scarred land of Asia and oceans around embracing the over-pestered soil of yellow. the world arrives, surely beams more brilliant and holy shining in one Father never give up mercy among short and embarrassingly less gifted tribes like Asian.

CIA analyst 'John' revealed as brains behind Osama bin Laden operation
See this Amp at  http://amplify.com/u/a16ska 


God with me in turbulence of besieged enemies.^lingered in Japanese family for a long time in dawn dream. God still lets baby son fought against enemies of our Empire of China in title Zhu's. heats of war fires baptized him for nights and i can just pray God for his rest, for his mercy&skip over the draining death-match. Asoh Yukiko, sooner bring my son, esp my 2nd son of us to me in our new family, Royal of China. 


dreamed of death match.^yesterday is the greatest day recently. God brings me again to its online radio in the morning after broke the habit for months. near noon among its sultry holy brave heart expels me to act to eliminate my long time agony of delays, to complete long time wish to renew baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's (wozon.net ) and my own personal domain (benzrad.us ) to cover near 10 years ahead while family other 3 domains already equipped with 10 years since their birth. the canteen owner loaned me ¥1000 with ¥70 compensation i promised to refund on next month's paid day. near dinner the transaction online consolidated, its also started to rain. i can't help go over to visit baby son with the good news among rains, by bus. baby likely suffering gameless alone, for his legacy desktop hardly equipped with games after recent upgrade and shipped os based on infectious Chinese pirate winxp known for Trojans and malware bundled from local computer market. so he told me bitterly he will use the best computer in family in future. i assured him that's out of question. then i tried to install 2 games of his favorite to ease more or less his frustration, but the damned os failed my efforts, among his mom's frequent curses and angers for my recent frequents. in the night i dreamed clearly recently: i was sent to a new subsidiary factory of QRRS, my long time payer and an old state-owned enterprise, in other city, with a delegation including the sinful monitor in my ditched office. he tried to be orthodox but i saw the covert cheat and the truth of people's joy in their own interests. then dreamed my university alumni, a Xiao, from my hometown province Hubei but poorer northwestern area while my homeland sits richer plain alone Yangtze River in southeast of the central China province, the unbending calf slept under my berth for more than 2 years in campus back to 1987, and trapped by poorness all his college education even unable to buy a quilt to coat the cotton on his bed in 4 years. the recent alumni gathering, first time consulted me in its session while i never traveled for meeting, celebrating our 20 years' graduation, indicating by one of speeches among alumni published online that Xiao likely also broke down into asylum, like me did bravely against enemies of my Empire of China years ago, as my fate leads out to maintain curved and vectored throughout victory and glory that shines. in the dream he fought me with knife and i barely survived myself without lose nor hurt. near breakfast i woke up in time as usual, with dazzling accuracy after failing temptations of vary dormancy. returned to dorm, i napped again, dreamed in my hometown a folk now building on the neighbor slope near our mountain his new house, conjoint the sinful dark house peeking in front of my dad's house. my passed mother in dream proud of me, and treated me with her usual delicacy she cooked.
God, u see I finally got my improved office in Dorm, esp. the Internet, the light speed and vast lasting echo of meanings in utterances and publish i can't live without. but the place likely besieged again by enemies of my Empire of China. gays and hooligan, including paid criminals and other cheap souls, clustered again around my dorm. lead me out like river flushes its new berth along the bank. God, save the sanity and saint of my Royal of China, bring me sooner into my new family with my girls, including my 2nd wife, Asoh Yukiko, Crowned Queen of Royal China from Japan, my girl Zhou, my Taiwan girl absent from my sight for months, and other blessed lives in my life, all under ur shine.

benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):cute insight.

财经网:【博客 韩寒:没有希望工程】但是很明显,红十字会的后台没有希望工程硬,在新浪微薄搜索红十字,会出现很多内容,正面负面都有,但是搜索希望工程或者其娘家青基会,马上会出现“根据相关法律法规,你所搜索的内容不予显示”,这就变成了没希望工程  http://163.fm/73WMwAg   今天 11:24 来自享拍微博通   原文转发1分钟前 来自网易微博
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):beautiful Taiwanese. meaningful young lives.

今天 11:31 来自微博定时发送器   原文转发 


benzrad's comment on the day.

ash of PRC wouldn’t leaves any remnant. by Benzrad Zhu

Ma's losing, is the losing of China, esp. PRC. PRC definitely losing into hell without any mercy from the world co-existing. Ma's faith on labor prefers investor surely a betray of its growth path, he himself definitely knew it. but still he tried to survive himself from the ruin of PRC, the dictation hell. the event clearly indicts no one saved from ruin of PRC's short life all in bizarre&sins while maintain its comfortable stance now or then. breaking PRC sinks all its pivot and pillar in burning self-destructive flame.

ugmbbc发布于 2011-06-15 11:02:48|12160 次阅读


benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓): so many touching interactives among corporations and consumers in democratic nations like US, the merit of God's followers.



first tweet on my dorm first time connected to Internet after 6 months' waiting.^new life online from 8:24 Jun 14, 2011.^and finally my dorm got wired with Internet, thx God! the office wrote the bill of broadband charges. really thankful! hope i make friends more online from now on. for this moment i hope God sees all dark out around my surfing. 

From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now

See the full gallery on Posterous

summer rain soothe desperate dying, in lame PRC


rain rhythm lasted most night.^last night sees the longest and likely thickest raindrops in my 20 years in Qiqihar, northeastern China, from my hometown in Central China, where large rains that can last a month is a common scene. i surfed later than 23:30 with songs and rain rhythm. this dawn i dreamed shopping online. when goods i ordered delivered to me, i felt quite glad. my passed mother query the prices of vary clothes and items in the parcel arrived. even late, i still ate my breakfast, and peered the ground after the rain. Its a cloudy morning, for Asoh Yukiko spares her full time with me from Heaven this moment.


a fruitful work night in rain rhythm.^today especial auspicious since i gained my google+ from online help within my gbuzz. napped afternoon with colorful dreams after posted on alumni with flavors annoying the orthodox. baby son's bliss via air saves me from all dusts in the dusk. rain accompanying the darkness descended so gloriously. Aosh Yukiko, tonight be with me in dream, in moisture u brought and echoes the rhythm outside. my happier life, surer narrowly ahead.

RT: a Chinese mailing list from a QQ group, a mainstream im tool in PRC. regard it as a folk song ominous.
1 农民:种三亩地每亩纯收入400元的话要从唐朝开始至今才能凑齐(还不能有灾年);
2 工人:每月工资1500元需从鸦片战争上班至今(双休日不能休); 
3 白领:年薪6万,需从1960年上班就拿这么多钱至今不吃不喝(取消法定假日); 
4 抢劫犯:连续作案2500次(必须事主是白领)约30年。 
声明:转发不会送人民币,但如果觉得作为消费者,全中国十三亿储户不公平的,请转发 ,有多少群转发多少群 。
总结(八个大字): 求生不得,求死不能 
多传传,让领导人们看看, 就不信传不到中央胡书记与温总理那里去。有群的都转发 加一句:谁看到谁最少转发一个群,转发2个以上群的,愿他买彩票中500万 。
老百姓在思考,为啥玩不过政府呢? 原因如下: 

BTW, It's a sunny morning after happy and spectacular/speculative night yesterday, when it thunders and flashes while refuted raining. God, wind for changing China is ready, when let it on its way?


baby baffled by heat since last weekends, now freed from the death of public enemy in PRC.^this week chiefly avoid trifle ambushes enemy of Empire of China beset. baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, succeeded floating over the drain of traps and grills of paid raids mentally and darkly around his mom's house. on Monday and Tuesday, after one or two weeks busy with upgrading our current 3 computers with my imporved salary, lots of evil envies, also includes spiritual wake up i instilled in baby son's heart by conversations, led to baby's frequent heats in nights, i decided to calm down and trust God. I haunted more time in QRRS' Dorms' garden, rest on bench in it, decided my strongest will to reunite with my girls in our new families, including our lavish wedding ceremony. that's gift Father promised my girls, for his best beloved Son, me, benzrad 朱子卓. i started reviewing my new working environment in my dorm freshly, cheering up for years' dream coming true. i felt i need a new start, just like a new game's release today, "a new beginning", its also a day full of rumors of a passing by FIG among dictation China, a long time lame duck. i enjoyed surfing so long, when this moment i looked outside of window, an drizzled anticipated by local weather forecast. the new moon appeared since the night before yesterday. i with full authority to claim, bliss gathering over the Royal of China in my title. God, change to China long time due, now let baptism pouring more smooth&sweet!

benzrad's comment on the day.

distance by the Pacific ocean.

from zhuzz | blogspot
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):only American sustains and enable the hero and the heroic characters John shown, inherent among free souls on the blessed land of great US. that's holy. bureaucracy rampant on Asia produced cowards and barking dogs bounding to a poor bone and self-destruction, or even abnormal and insane. God saving Asia since the fall of Yuan Dynasty and erection of Ming, treasure of Zhu's masterpiece from war's ruin. world western with kind heart will witness the blessing YHWH casting over the scarred land of Asia and oceans around embracing the over-pestered soil of yellow. the world arrives, surely beams more brilliant and holy shining in one Father never give up mercy among short and embarrassingly less gifted tribes like Asian.
CIA analyst 'John' revealed as brains behind Osama bin Laden operation
See this Amp at  http://amplify.com/u/a16ska


God with me in turbulence of besieged enemies.^lingered in Japanese family for a long time in dawn dream. God still lets baby son fought against enemies of our Empire of China in title Zhu's. heats of war fires baptized him for nights and i can just pray God for his rest, for his mercy&skip over the draining death-match. Asoh Yukiko, sooner bring my son, esp my 2nd son of us to me in our new family, Royal of China.


dreamed of death match.^yesterday is the greatest day recently. God brings me again to its online radio in the morning after broke the habit for months. near noon among its sultry holy brave heart expels me to act to eliminate my long time agony of delays, to complete long time wish to renew baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's (wozon.net ) and my own personal domain (benzrad.us ) to cover near 10 years ahead while family other 3 domains already equipped with 10 years since their birth. the canteen owner loaned me ¥1000 with ¥70 compensation i promised to refund on next month's paid day. near dinner the transaction online consolidated, its also started to rain. i can't help go over to visit baby son with the good news among rains, by bus. baby likely suffering gameless alone, for his legacy desktop hardly equipped with games after recent upgrade and shipped os based on infectious Chinese pirate winxp known for Trojans and malware bundled from local computer market. so he told me bitterly he will use the best computer in family in future. i assured him that's out of question. then i tried to install 2 games of his favorite to ease more or less his frustration, but the damned os failed my efforts, among his mom's frequent curses and angers for my recent frequents. in the night i dreamed clearly recently: i was sent to a new subsidiary factory of QRRS, my long time payer and an old state-owned enterprise, in other city, with a delegation including the sinful monitor in my ditched office. he tried to be orthodox but i saw the covert cheat and the truth of people's joy in their own interests. then dreamed my university alumni, a Xiao, from my hometown province Hubei but poorer northwestern area while my homeland sits richer plain alone Yangtze River in southeast of the central China province, the unbending calf slept under my berth for more than 2 years in campus back to 1987, and trapped by poorness all his college education even unable to buy a quilt to coat the cotton on his bed in 4 years. the recent alumni gathering, first time consulted me in its session while i never traveled for meeting, celebrating our 20 years' graduation, indicating by one of speeches among alumni published online that Xiao likely also broke down into asylum, like me did bravely against enemies of my Empire of China years ago, as my fate leads out to maintain curved and vectored throughout victory and glory that shines. in the dream he fought me with knife and i barely survived myself without lose nor hurt. near breakfast i woke up in time as usual, with dazzling accuracy after failing temptations of vary dormancy. returned to dorm, i napped again, dreamed in my hometown a folk now building on the neighbor slope near our mountain his new house, conjoint the sinful dark house peeking in front of my dad's house. my passed mother in dream proud of me, and treated me with her usual delicacy she cooked.
God, u see I finally got my improved office in Dorm, esp. the Internet, the light speed and vast lasting echo of meanings in utterances and publish i can't live without. but the place likely besieged again by enemies of my Empire of China. gays and hooligan, including paid criminals and other cheap souls, clustered again around my dorm. lead me out like river flushes its new berth along the bank. God, save the sanity and saint of my Royal of China, bring me sooner into my new family with my girls, including my 2nd wife, Asoh Yukiko, Crowned Queen of Royal China from Japan, my girl Zhou, my Taiwan girl absent from my sight for months, and other blessed lives in my life, all under ur shine.

benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):cute insight.
财经网:【博客 韩寒:没有希望工程】但是很明显,红十字会的后台没有希望工程硬,在新浪微薄搜索红十字,会出现很多内容,正面负面都有,但是搜索希望工程或者其娘家青基会,马上会出现"根据相关法律法规,你所搜索的内容不予显示",这就变成了没希望工程  http://163.fm/73WMwAg   今天 11:24 来自享拍微博通   原文转发1分钟前 来自网易微博
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):beautiful Taiwanese. meaningful young lives.
今天 11:31 来自微博定时发送器   原文转发 


benzrad's comment on the day.

ash of PRC wouldn't leaves any remnant. by Benzrad Zhu

Ma's losing, is the losing of China, esp. PRC. PRC definitely losing into hell without any mercy from the world co-existing. Ma's faith on labor prefers investor surely a betray of its growth path, he himself definitely knew it. but still he tried to survive himself from the ruin of PRC, the dictation hell. the event clearly indicts no one saved from ruin of PRC's short life all in bizarre&sins while maintain its comfortable stance now or then. breaking PRC sinks all its pivot and pillar in burning self-destructive flame.
ugmbbc发布于 2011-06-15 11:02:48|12160 次阅读


benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓): so many touching interactives among corporations and consumers in democratic nations like US, the merit of God's followers.


first tweet on my dorm first time connected to Internet after 6 months' waiting.^new life online from 8:24 Jun 14, 2011.^and finally my dorm got wired with Internet, thx God! the office wrote the bill of broadband charges. really thankful! hope i make friends more online from now on. for this moment i hope God sees all dark out around my surfing.

From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now
See the full gallery on Posterous

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

distance between the pacific ocean.

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):only American sustains and enable the hero and the heroic characters John shown inherent among free souls on the blessed land of great US. that's holy. bureaucracy rampant on Asia produced cowards and barking dogs bounding to a poor bone and self-destruction, or even abnormal and insane. God saving Asia since the fall of Yuan Dynasty and erection of Ming, treasure of Zhu's masterpiece from war's ruin. world western with kind heart will witness the blessing YHWH casting over the scarred land of Asia and oceans around embracing the over-pestered soil of yellow. the world arrives, surely beams more brilliant and holy shining in one Father never give up mercy among short and embarrassingly less gifted like Asian.

CIA analyst 'John' revealed as brains behind Osama bin Laden operation